Thursday 10 January 2019

Role of Journalism in Society (Indian Context)

Role of Journalism in Society

                                                                     (Indian Context)

In India a democratic country, Media is considered as the ‘Fourth Pillar’ along with the Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary, the three other pillars. Media plays a crucial role in the democratic lives of the citizens of the country as it keeps people informed about the Socio-economic and Political state of Affairs. 

Media brings to limelight varied issues of concern that need to be dealt with and tries to place before us a coverage of events that are occurring around. Media also serves information today in a process that combines entertainment with a means of education. This is called Infotainment.

Role of Journalism:

Communication of News, Information, Updation and Education

The role of journalism is primarily to provide information and news. Journalism can be of varied types and a journalist can write or present various genre and styles. For instance, a journalist can cover daily, news, investigative news or write features on varied topics. A journalist today can also write and present varied stuff that may not qualify as hardcore news or journalism and this is a genre all by itself called Lifestyle journalism which is based upon news about Travel, Food, Luxury, Clothing, Automobiles, Fashion, Sex, etc,.  A journalist could write on environment or health. A journalist can also be a content writer.

Many Professionals from the world around be it Doctors, Lawyers, Environmentalists, Botanists, Zoologists, Engineers or IITians, have taken to journalism to make people aware and inform them on varied topics which cannot be presented by ordinary citizens. This rise of  Technical writers is indeed a boon as it creates a plethora of information on various topics, erstwhile unknown to many people. 

As a journalist who writes and/ or presents information to the people, it is important to remember that Journalism is a tool that epitomises information that is to be proclaimed on the wings of truth, authenticity, objectivity, loyalty and Honesty. The “Purpose of journalism is thus to provide citizens with the information they need to make the best possible decisions about their lives, their communities, their societies, and their government”. (www.americanpress, 2015).

Role as Mediator: 

It is the role of the journalist to inform, educate and stand as the voice of the people of the country. While, journalism of different genres is a requirement, News journalism has an important role to play. A journalist has to be the voice that acts as a mediator between the People and the Government. Agenda setting by journalists has led to important issues being discussed and decisions taken to support People's demands of justice. While, it has been doing that for many years, times have changed and the patterns have changed too. 

Role in Agenda Setting: 

While some issues have achieved success in grossing the media limelight, some urgent issues have deliberately been suppressed. Agenda setting on one hand has brought certain important news to the forum, but on the other hand, has given way to deliberately giving a spin to news and to often making the people think what media wants them to think. 

Journalism has fallen victim to economical pressures and in many cases death threats to loyal and brave journalists who have become victims to power ideologies, political battles, ideology gimmicks and economic fiasco. And this is not just the case in a country like ours, but world over. However, Online journalism has come as a respite as that which is sidelined by most TV channels tends to go viral over the net.

Role in Development and National Integration:

Historically, the story of Journalism especially in the ‘freedom struggle’ ages of India is a bold story of immense courage. While it began with Hicky’s Bengal Gazette being printed; It had a very challenging phase in the freedom struggle where, various freedom fighters implanted the spark of the freedom struggle in the hearts of Indian Citizens using printed literature. The Britishers wanted to ban this movement of Indian press which was blossoming in order to encourage the freedom fight. However, this was not to be. Gradually India gained freedom. The press found its voice speaking for the people of the country and for development causes. The journalists were not to cow down even during the Emergency. Therefore, Journalism has the important role of playing a catalyst in India's development measures, National Integration and fight for justice. India has a history of stalwart journalists just like many other countries. 

However, the arena drastically changed with the arrival of economisation and the need for TRPs to get ad revenue. Digitisation, Monetisation and Business has led to a media that often succumbs to the demands of economic demands. Hardcore business entities entered the Journalism arena and this was just the beginning of the downfall of objectivity in many cases of journalism. Advertisement moolah has become a prime necessity for most channels.

The meddling of Business manoeuvres and politicians have taken a toll on authentic journalism giving rise to a news reporting that has turned into a hob-nob for eye balls on Television debates and a politicising agenda for parties that wish to rule the rooster. As rightly said by Willams and Carpini, “it’s the power to set the “news agenda,” which determines which topics and issues are included in the news— and those which are omitted.” (Willams and Carpini, After Broadcast News p. 62-65).[1] 

There are journalists who have adapted to the economic scenario in order to safeguard their bread-winning jobs and the demands of their firms, while others have stood the ground and paid the price. A twist to tales with a high dosier of subjectivity in the news is today excepted as a clause acceptable to people. This is not justifiable and not to be considered as journalism. Bad news reporting or rather biased and unfair means of news reporting leads to an ill-formed public. It diverts the attention of the people from important concerns to trivial unimportant maters. In the long run, this trend could turn dangerous as people will lose regard for those who have woven lies under the mask of truth in the minds of people.  So, it is here that Journalism needs to undergo a rampant transformation.

Role as Gate-keeper:

Gate-keeping is another issue that leads to a massive amount of news from all over the country getting filtered. While the print media is still a better source of News and information, gate-keeping has led to a vast chunk of news especially from smaller towns never reaching a national platform. Most news channels barring a handful have become debate tables, with very little news from all over India about the needs of the people. These have turned into political pot-boilers debating on issues that evade other pressing issues that plague the country. The situation is also, not as bad as it could seem with authentic journalists heading towards social networking forums to present the voice of Truth.The newspapers both printed and Online, and the vernacular press are far better in their presentation of news. These also bring to you important international news which is sidelined by many channels. The major scams being exposed despite this unending trend of interference in media is an ode of triumph for the few motivated, honest and brave journalists. Though, these have to also pay the price as there are those who have succumbed to murders as a price of truth.


Years back, Roosevelt Theodore made a great speech wherein he summarises the role of a journalist. It can and should be remembered at any given point of time.  He said, “The power of the journalist is great, but he is entitled neither to respect nor admiration because of that power unless it is used aright. He can do, and often does, great good. He can do, and he often does, infinite mischief. All journalists, all writers, for the very reason that they appreciate the vast possibilities of their profession, should bear testimony against those who deeply discredit it. Offenses against taste and morals, which are bad enough in a private citizen, are infinitely worse if made into instruments for debauching the community through a newspaper. Mendacity, slander, sensationalism, inanity, vapid triviality, all are potent factors for the debauchery of the public mind and conscience. The excuse advanced for vicious writing, that the public demands it and that the demand must be supplied, can no more be admitted than if it were advanced by purveyors of food who sell poisonous adulterations. (Roosevelt Speech, 1910)[2]

Journalism schools need to train young minds to stand for the truth. Journalists need to understand, that it is better to have a smaller pay package and peace of mind then succumb to a bigger pay package and play with the minds of millions of Indians and fellow citizens who depend on you for information. Journalism is a noble profession. The vision of a growing empowered India demands a free voice of the journalist 'un'meddled by economic pressure, 'un'jostled by political demands and strengthened by its urge to stand as a voice of the people. 

[1] The Role of Journalism in Society, Connections Med!aLit Moments, Consortium for Media Literacy, Volume No. 79, February 2016,
[2] Roosevelt Theodore, The Man in the Arena, April 23, 1910,


  1. NewsWorth is a News content platform to connect Journalists (Citizens, Stringers and Professionals) with Media Houses, we provide Content Certification, Content Copyright and Marketplace to buy and sell news story.
